Tuesday, September 13, 2016

My new buddy.

I got off the “we’re remodeling” track I was on there for a while as I thought I was sounding a bit redundant.  Great, remodeling…who isn’t?

But, I have to tell you…it’s fantastic stuff we have going on over here.  It is about to drive hubs over the edge, which was my fear, as he watches the pennies.  And I mean he WATCHES the pennies.  I get a look every time I bring a new pillow or candle in the house, and can see his wheels turning, wondering how many pennies I invested.  I have to remind him I have established a decorating budget on top of the wood and drywall budget.  Besides, it’s a good time to purchase items for the screen porch and entry.  I am walking past the Halloween items, for now, but a good porch pillow? On super sale? It’s mine.
A lot of the decisions have been made.  I meet the contractor out in the yard almost every morning to discuss what is happening that day, or just to say hello.  Sometimes there’s a decision looming and sometimes it is just another day.  We did add a little something to the project, you know, just to add expense and to keep him around longer.  Truth is, I'm going to miss him a little when this is all over.  
You certainly develop a relationship with a contractor.  He was already a good acquaintance but I’ve gotten so used to seeing his face in the yard, he’s now a good friend.  He pets the dog, calls her Tiger, which is not her name, but when a guy gives your dog a nickname, he’s moved beyond good acquaintance.

We have not yet moved the project in to the interior of the house, which is not SUPER involved but will certainly bring that beloved drywall dust.  I’m not really looking forward to that part but I also know he has a plan for keeping the mess to a minimum as he is just that kind of guy.  Clean up is our job and he doesn’t want to see me sweat.  No one does, let’s face it.

I am excited about the changes being made to our little home.  The entries especially are seeing a much needed facelift and I will be a landscaping fool for the next several years.  Yes, it is a time when we should be slowing down, I get that.  Downsizing, not building on, should be on our radar, but I love what is happening around here!  I know there will be days ahead when it seems like this is too much house for us, but for now, no way! Bring on some family, some friends, some parties and get-togethers! Just not quite yet. 

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