A few weeks ago, I posted that I was going to expose some of my feelings regarding how we treat each other...particularly in the work place. I was all set to share personal experiences, some not pleasant.
Shortly after I posted, I learned that my particular “bully” will be returning to the campaign trail. The news disturbed me. Greatly. More than I thought news of this sort might. In my little town, there are people in positions they just don’t have any business being in, doing things they don’t have any business doing. I held off on posting because I wanted to be sure I knew what I wanted to post, and not out of a reaction to the news. Since this blog is mine, my feelings and my thoughts, I wanted to be clear minded about it. I believe I am.
Now, before we go any further, let me also say here that this is not a sermon. Its a reflection on an experience. I want each reader to take it in as they will, and mull it over for themselves. Perhaps you will apply a Christian perspective to the details, perhaps not. Lets go.
I started a job in a small government office in 1995. I learned of the job through a friend, thought it sounded like something I could do and applied; I interviewed and was hired.
I learned on my second day on the job that the person I would be spending most of every day with did not want me for the position but preferred someone who had a daughter the same age as her daughter. They played on a girls softball team together a few years before or something. However, the other applicant, who is quite lovely, was not registered to vote. I was, and had voted republican to boot. I was in.
At some point, Bully, sitting across from me, wanted to bet me a steak dinner that I couldn't change her. Said to me she knew that Friend, who attended the same church I did, wanted me in the job because she thought I could “convert” her. No, I told her, I was not looking to convert her, or change her, just work with her. She challenged me, saying “We’ll see who converts who”.
I am including this exchange between us because I believe it’s the foundation for what transpired for the next 12 years. I don’t really think I need to post a lot of the details of how it happened, or what steps were taken to make it happen but to get us here. To get us to April 13, 2007, when I left my job under “work related stress” and a near breakdown. When I reported to an Occupational Health center in my little town with a blood pressure reading of 220/140, with a nurse, an aide, a doctor and me in a room, with only my sobs hitting the walls and my tears hitting the floor. I was in bad shape, and I knew it. I was at my breaking point and I knew it. It took 12 years and daily bullying behavior...but I was changed.
I am stunned.... that someone would start their work relationship with such an evil challenge... I am speechless, so I will just keep reading. I think you are on the right track working through your thoughts and feelings about Bully. I will be praying that the process goes well.