Tuesday, October 23, 2012


This past weekend was a birthday for me.  I can't accept a year has gone by, to be honest.  It seems like the last few years have really sped through. I've been swept up and although not a person of high impact decisions or weighty directives, I think "if my life seems to be speeding, how do folks who are feel?" I mean,really, some days my toughest decision is if I am wearing jeans to work or the other jeans. 

As my birthday drifts off the calendar for another year and I recap, here's what I know.  I received two grandsons since my last birthday.   That's awesome, isn't it? I went from working part time at a job that I really love, to getting to be there every day.  Some super wonderful people have come in to my life.  I became less introverted and more introspective.  I am also less skeptical, more trusting.  I have had some absolutely fantastic conversations coming off of three or so years of barely speaking to anyone outside of a trusted circle.  I have my days, oh yes, but all in all, I've begun to rebuild trust.  I don't hide.  Not me, not any more. 

That gets me to zombies. I push to do new things, try new places.  This past weekend of my birthday we drove north to visit a couple shops and breweries we heard about over the last year.  Made a full day of it, the weather was beautiful, the color change in full swing.  We got to a destination spot and the town was attempting a record setting, verified, Guinness Book worthy Zombie Walk.  Now, even though I have a night or so every once in a while of not being able to sleep, and hubs gets up too early, I don't think we qualify as zombies.  Families and young people out in force, in full zombie garb and makeup, to be counted and certified for the attempt with numbered wrist bands.  I am not sure they made it as we cleared out before zombies and their offspring, yes, even some little zombies in strollers, over ran the town...but, it was about as organized an event, with live music, that I have ever seen. 

Who knew?

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