I realize some of you are already there and may even think,
c’mon, get on with it, but as I have explained in the past, I use my birthday
for resolutions rather than New Year. I
take it as kind of a big deal. More than
a New Year, a birthday says a lot about you, so I think it is a better time to
reflect and resolve. I mean, everyone is
having a New Year, but your birthday is you, right?
There you go. Resolve. Turning 60 to me is a resolution all it’s
own. Since there are different
definitions of the verb resolve, I considered both. Resolve 1.
Settle or find a solution to a problem, dispute or contentious
matter. Resolve 2. Decide firmly on a
course of action.
Anyway, I have a list of things to resolve, short list, but
things are there and I have a list of things to resolve. When making New Year’s resolutions, I think
many of us leave out the first resolve ~ to settle or find a solution. Some years, maybe we don’t have anything that
would fall in to that category. I won’t lie ~ I have a couple “contentious matters” to
resolve, and I will.
I want a clean slate going in to my sixties. I don’t like contentious matters any more than the next guy but I also don’t like stewing. I don’t want to stew, I don’t want you to stew, I don’t want it to stew. Sometimes, contentious matters need to be left alone and forgotten and if that is best, I promise to myself that I will move on, I will resolve, instead of letting something get my goat or be stuck in my craw. If it is a situation that needs personal attention, well, even though it might make me uncomfortable for the moment, I will resolve it.
I resolve to look at situations with a more positive
lens. I know there are times when I am
too negative, when I view my situations from the negative position. I know when I am in it, I hear myself and I
resolve to move out of that stance.
Going in to my sixties, I just don’t want to be there. Have you ever met a bitter, cranky, negative,
gloomy gus in their sixties? Yes, me, too and I will not be them. I will not.I want a clean slate going in to my sixties. I don’t like contentious matters any more than the next guy but I also don’t like stewing. I don’t want to stew, I don’t want you to stew, I don’t want it to stew. Sometimes, contentious matters need to be left alone and forgotten and if that is best, I promise to myself that I will move on, I will resolve, instead of letting something get my goat or be stuck in my craw. If it is a situation that needs personal attention, well, even though it might make me uncomfortable for the moment, I will resolve it.
Hubs and I had a long talk the other evening, sitting on our swing, watching the lake go to sleep. I said, without announcing it as a resolution, I want to take more pleasure, more joy out of each day. Last year, I purchased a little crafty sign at a friend’s store that says, simply, “Take Joy”. I resolve to take more joy out of life, more joy out of the day. This is a very personal goal for me, and it was somewhat difficult to speak about it to someone else, but saying things out loud, sharing them with someone you trust, is a good first step to resolution. Once it is from your heart and has passed your lips, well, it is more real. My big resolution as I turn 60 is to take joy.
Finally, along with taking joy, I resolve to give joy. To make your day brighter if I can, to
lighten your burden, to share with you our very good, very blessed life. I will be more joyful for those I love, for
those I know, for those I meet. I will
be a more joyful person for you.
To settle a problem or two, to move out of the negative, to
take joy and to give joy. Happy 60 to
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