This has been a crazy week, with the stock market going up,
then down, then up…then, who knows? Then, there’s the snow issue. I’ve written about April snow before and
well, I don’t like it one bit. I have
sweet little primrose blossoms trying to push their way through and it isn’t
going well for them, nor all the daffodils that sprinkle the woods with their
smiley yellow. What did they ever do
except look precious and sweet?
Good news is I am watching robins daily. Now, I am keeping an eye on the light
fixtures around the house to prevent nests from appearing. I know some of you would just say “Oh, let
them nest on top of that light!” but, you know, its just not my thing. I like birds but really don’t think they need
to nest on the house. Especially not my
new light fixtures.
I am still struggling with the right piece of furniture to
put on the front porch area. I’m now
just without anything out there. The wicker
settee that I had moved there came back in to the screen porch last week for a
party and has not been moved out. The
screen porch is the next project to be completed, is about 90% and awaits the
arrival of the ceiling tongue and groove boards, and the shiplap to complete
the project. Yes, shiplap. I drank the kool-aid and admit I kind of like the
look, at least for now.
Another project I am undertaking this next week is the top
of my desk and the office/guest bedroom closet.
I am just going to have to bite the bullet and buy another tote for
Christmas decorations that can go in the attic.
I couldn’t possibly squeeze another box in this closet, and I feel like
I have condensed as much as I can. Now,
this is from the lady who doesn’t put up a tree remember? Yes, and still has that many boxes of
Christmas stuff, and there may be just a bit of Halloween crammed in that
closet as well.
Construction is going on all around me this spring as the
neighbors across the way are finishing their garage, the house next door is
being renovated and the big project – the brand new house. Its going to be noisy and not always the most
convenient perhaps since we share a yard and driveway, but, we are all so
excited to see that house get underway!
I am looking forward to it warming up just a bit more…to
longer days and being able to sit on the deck, with a fire in the firepit, or
down by the bonfire. Maybe with an adult beverage, a cheese or two, as we say
goodnight to the day.
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