Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The beginning.

Almost every year we traveled to a tropical location with business associates of my husband.  We were lucky to go to some gorgeous resorts, beautiful locations as an incentive he earned while working along side some great salesmen and their customers.  To have these trips come to an end is the negative of retirement.
This year’s trip was to Costa Rica.  Another location I didn’t think I would get to see and the countryside did not disappoint.  We laid pretty low all week as there is a fair amount of “business” that is conducted during these trips although it is all about building relationships more than conducting business.  But, we stepped back and out of the role and just relaxed.  Following our January trip to Key West, I’d say hubs has had a great introduction in to retirement! The people of Costa Rica were sweet and seemingly happy people.  I would not turn down an opportunity to go again.

Since we have returned, spring is making a frustratingly slow entrance.  More snow, frigid cold.  I was hoping we would be a little further in to it by now, to be honest.  We all may remember how antsy I get for getting out in the mud and mire to start my landscaping projects and this year is no exception.  I’m anxious to get started.  My big project this year is going to be landscape lighting along with some foundation planting, so I have begun to research a little, talk style and placement…a little sketching.  This is what I love about early spring; the getting ready.

As for the immediate future, I should take the Christmas arrangement out of the big black pots on the front porch and begin to ready it for a spring transition, as I know it will happen even if slow to start.  I have white lights on a tree up in the woods and over the last week or so the strands have started to burn out so the arrangement of lights is not looking great.  I guess, if it warms up above 20, I’ll see if I can correct that situation. And, the moon garden needs some serious attention. 
Oh, and I’ve convinced hubs it would be nice to get a quick spring trip in, so we may be traveling to a warmer location for a few days next month.  I mean, why not?

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