Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Not my kid.

Many blog posts ago I mentioned a group of lady friends that I have.  We’ve known each other for a long time now and have rallied, cheered and prayed each other through some great, and not so great times.  I have to say, though, more great than not.  We have kids the same ages and its been fun, to say the least.  
Of the original 10 members (we now boast 11), our youngest just graduated from college with her four year nursing degree.  This is our baby...the one we all carried around at some point, or sat in the nursery with, when she was the only baby there.  She was a chubby, beautiful, sparkly treat.  
I felt somewhat grown up when my own baby graduated from college, then got married.  As I looked at a few pictures from the youngest Yada (yes, we do have a name...) baby’s graduation, I felt really progressed.  Advanced aged.  I remember sitting with her on my lap and singing over the sparkly diamond on her little lacy anklets, while her blonde curls danced.  Now here’s a picture of her with her sparkly blue eyes and brilliant smile in a grown girl’s face.   
I am blessed with a great group of ladies, and their families.  I have had amazing experiences and adventures with them.  They entrusted their children to me on a variety of occasions, events and excursions.  I’ve sat up late with many of those children and heard their dreams, listened to them as they questioned their place, celebrated with them as they achieved a goal.  I would not trade those times for silver or gold...they are precious to me.  I watch (cause that’s what I do) as they move onward in their lives, no longer a part of their week or weekend, but as dedicated to them as I have ever been, still cheering. 
Allowing me to love your children...thanks ladies.  That’s more valuable to me than you may ever know.  


  1. I love that you love and interact with our children.... I truly believe that children need people other than their own parents rooting for them. We have been blessed to have all these women and men caring for our kids!

  2. Aren't we all blessed??!! What wonderful memories. And I'm counting on continued support in the upcoming years with my Yada friends!
