Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Stories. Yours, mine, ours.

When I started thinking about a blog a couple years back, there were particular topics rolling around in my noggin’ that I thought I would write about.  Creating a name, thinking about what was important to me, chimed in.  Being able to look out of my window, both at the big picture and my little corner of it came into play.  Then there is the whole looking inward thing, you know, Cindi’s window into Cindi, and ta-daa.  (Did you think it was only about looking out that window?)
As it turns out, some of the topics no longer interest me.  Some of the “fire” of the topics has simply become stale or stupid, to be frank, so I think they would not interest you, either.  Coupled with this is my true desire to be somewhat entertaining.  I like being entertaining. I think of myself as a storyteller, although not accomplished particularly, I love a good story.  I love the retelling of a good story, and hearing a good story.   
I think this is the old lady that I want to become.  The one that gathers all the little children to her feet and tells some great story, that will keep them enraptured for about a half hour.  Some may say I already am this person.  I kept many a kid at least  interested in a particular experience or two along my life’s highway and I really enjoyed it when they would share one of theirs with me.  Usually wasn’t a law breaker - those I think they kept to themselves or shared with friends.  I’m kinda grateful, as if any of them did have something illegal to tell me, well, I would have been heavily burdened on how to move forward, both with them and with their parents!  As it were, it was mainly about romances and relationships, but also just fun, goofy stuff.  
I have some nieces and nephews and I love to hear their stories.   I wish I had more of their time so that I could pull details out and watch them come alive with storytelling.  I love to hear my niece giggle as she sets aside her teenage isolation to become an active participant in family conversation.  I truly enjoy a favorite (should I call one a favorite among several? Well, he is, I can’t help it!) nephew squirm when he realizes he has revealed too much and may have just stepped over a line.  But, he’ll figure it out.  Like his growth spurts, his mouth spurts are unpredictable at times.  He steps in it more often than around it, and it is, right now, part of his charm.  
As kids turn in to young adults, and having had a few bruises and bumps along the way, they often turn reluctant to remember, to share.   Getting their stories out is one of my favorite things.   Talking to strangers is another.  I have learned so much from strangers.   I like to go to museums or displays or flea markets...whatever... and instead of just walking by ask questions and wait for the story.  There are too many that will walk by, nod their head and let the story remain untold.   Adults don’t ask.  It’s funny when we see adults prod little Johnny or Sally to ask questions they themselves really want to know the answer to!  Ask.  That person did not set up that display, or volunteer to work that table so we will all walk by as uninformed after passing as we were upon approaching.  Ask!  Tell!  

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