Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Ethel Merman

It's alright if you think I'm going down a short but twisted path here...I have to recommend battery operated candles.  I can not believe I am saying it either!

I, on a whim, ordered a set of battery operated pillars from QVC.  Again, I can't believe it either!  I thought they would work out well in a couple places where a night light would be good but I just don't care for night lights much.  Weird, I know. 

So I ordered this set of 8 candles of varying sizes by a company called "Candle Impressions" which is funny.  I mean, they are selling items that impersonate a candle...that's clever, admit it.  Besides that, here is what is so cool about these fake candles as compared to other fake candles that I have seen. 

First of all, they are a good fake.  Enough said.

Second, they have a built in TIMER!

I think this is genious.  I have seen them with remotes but I think they are more expensive; these timers...awesome.  They will stay on for five hours.  Which is just about perfect when you think about it.  You turn them on the first time when you want them to come on every night, then they come on the next night at the same time.  Isn't that grand?

So, you know I recommended the set of three green strainers.  You know I recommended the red spatula and most recently I raved about the big yellow bowl.  You can trust me.   I can not recommend the turquoise set ~ that just makes no sense for anyone.  When it comes to fake candles, I think simple and ivory is best. 

Here I grouped three of them behind this fun metal piece on top of a china cabinet.  They're like 3, 4 and 5 inches tall maybe, use two AA batteries and have been lighting up dark spaces at my place since July 5. 

I do a couple impressions, Ethel Merman for example, and maybe one or two of people in my, probably best not to talk about it.   Not always flattering and some that have gotten me in trouble.  But, these Candle Impressions? Dead on.

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