Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Sometimes we are so overwhelmed with sad news that it is a struggle to find some good news, you know? We almost brush good news aside because we sit on pins and needles waiting for the “other shoe to drop”.  Sometimes news is really good but may not be phenomenal, and we are almost blasé about it.  You shouldn't have to stand on your head to hear a compliment. 

This week, I have heard a few good stories, particularly about “kids” I have been close with through volunteering…a new house, babies on the way, new jobs, an anniversary, elected officials and so much more ~ many volunteering in their communities or working in jobs where kids are a priority.  I’m really excited to hear this news, guys! I know I may not always say it as strongly as it is felt, but I am so proud  you and what you are accomplishing, the grownups you have become!  Stay involved and inspire the rest of us to get more involved along the way.

We are often so quick to shake our heads when we hear something not so positive, and that’s fine.  Sometimes it is head-shaking worthy, but I am making a promise to be quick to nod my head, to give a shout, to pat you on the back.  I promise you, I will become better at it!

Way to go!  

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