Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Only here.

You may be wondering how Camp GiGi went ~ it was fantastic.  I had the time of my life and although I am not going to bore you with a bunch of tidbits on how adorable my grandkids are, because I know yours are, too, I will share a couple reflections.
I was so looking forward to the week with these kids.  I had plans that didn’t happen, days went much quicker than I thought they would and the weather did not cooperate.  However, they were here, they were sweet as could be, they loved being together.  Kids can find their own fun if you give them the tools.  Six year olds quickly become bored, but that's when they'll talk.  When all else fails, there’s bathtime.
Besides the weather, I was sick.  Hit hard with this dumb respiratory thing that is going around that lasts forever, I napped when the three year olds did and was just about toast at the end of the day.  I had joked with hubs that Camp GiGi would become Camp GiGiPaPa when he got home.  He stepped in every night with an activity he planned all on his own. Now, I think this was to steal some thunder from Camp GiGi but it could not have been more welcome no matter the motivation.  He was a sight for weary eyes each evening when he came in with his “plan” while I made dinner.  Thank you, hubs!

But, here’s the real deal.  I wanted to find a way to solidify their time here.  To make it special and plant it a strong memory.  Something they do here, and only here.
Hubs and I often walk down to the lake when he first gets home,  sit in a swing at the end of the day, when weather allows, glass of wine in hand.  We don’t have a schedule or a “must do” for this time of reflection but it is where we have decided on a few matters of importance and most specifically, to not forget how blessed we are to be here.  That many would trade their location for ours; that it was a great place to raise our family and even though there has been some wild property tax finaglings over the last 10 years, we would not let it become a big negative but somehow, ride it out.  Ride it out we have and now it’s a great place to share with our grandkids.

So at night, when the weather allowed, we walked down to the lake with the grandkids to say goodbye to the day.  To reflect on how wonderful it was to be together.  To plan for the next day.  To listen to birds and watch the lake darken with the setting sun.  The week was blessed with a full moon so on the last night, it was bright and shiny, and lit up their little faces as they gazed out over the water and answered questions, asked questions. 
Our youngest visitor, who just turned 3, is not a big talker.  He’s like his dad and tends to listen, to soak things in.  He and I were the last two returning to the house on this last evening.   I said “Hey, look at that moon! Good night, moon!” His sweet little voice carried me through the yard in joy as he recited the ending of one of his favorite stories, read to him countless times by his sweet mama and daddy “Goodnight  moon, goodnight stars…”

He may not remember, but I will. 





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