Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tuna? Again? Not if I can help it!

I enjoy this retirement phase.  It can be relaxing ~ it’s nice to not have much of a schedule to meet so I can be a bit more “ready on a dime” and just take off and do, no timeclock to punch, doors to unlock or lights to turn on.
Now, the other shoe drops…I find if I don’t schedule myself and keep an eye on the clock I get NOTHING done.  I am experimenting with a bit of a daily schedule now because I can get lost on any one of a number of different things in my day.  From hitting the snooze button one or two more times, to walking the dog and finding a nice spot to sit a spell, to pulling weeds.  Even cleaning off the stove for crying out loud! I can get tied up and not move on to the next thing I really wanted to accomplish.
My day requires 3 or 4 hours or so in computer work (okay, not fully retired, still do a bit of virtual customer support) and it works out pretty well as long as I am not distracted by checking Facebook, my email, or working on photos or my budget or catching up on the news, or binge watching something on Netflix … my day, once open, is suddenly gone.  I didn’t get done those things I need to do like grocery shop, or clean the kitchen, laundry or take a darn shower.  I am a procrastinator you see and can get lost.  I can’t tell you how many times I have stood at the pantry trying to figure out a meal because I didn’t make it to the grocery store, and couldn’t tell you what I did that day. 

So scheduling it is.  Today is Tuesday and it’s blue hair day at the grocery store - my peeps.  I’ve allowed two hours to tackle that job, to get my discount and to have a pantry full of goodies.  If I don’t get there, well, tuna casserole sounds good, again.  

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