Monday, April 13, 2020

Trail to nowhere.

This is tough.  We all are going through it, and well, it is tough.  Not going to dwell here cause we are all having similar thoughts.  4 weeks or so in to it, and it is tough.

Last week I did a thing.  I have had a bit of a trail through the woods side of the house for a couple years.  It leads out past the area I call my moon garden, where the statue my son-in-law made in college usually stands.   I refer to it as my trail to nowhere.  Last week I sat on the steps of the front porch looking out at the trail, thinking about how much mulch I need for it this year and where the heck that would come from, how would it get here and gosh, that’s a lot of mulch. Not a huge fan of dyed mulch, I prefer wood chips from real trees, brown, dirty and probably insect infested, but cheap.  The local recycling center is currently closed and well, not looking likely for a truck load or two of wood chips anytime soon.
Naturally, I decided it is the perfect time to expand the trail, to make a loop, to widen the new section a bit and come out parallel to the entrance.  You would no longer have to enter and exit in the same place. Of course, this is a perfect time to tackle this project…when you have absolutely no resources and nothing but time. 

I dug in, I tore out.  I begged hubs to come and help with bigger trees.  You know there were maples galore, some requiring an actual shovel and a strong back, even a chain saw for a couple.  I ripped out myrtle that had long ago been left to grow wild.  It was a solid two days of work and an afternoon here or there of picking away at some little patch of vine or tree. It’s a loop, a start and a's not long or fancy and I love it. More importantly, the grandkids are going to love it, too, once they can run on it and explore and pretend. I might not run it but I walk it and explore and pretend, imagine, plot and plan, dream.

While it's still a trail that goes nowhere, in the end it finds itself and hey, that’s always a good thing.


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