Monday, July 18, 2011

Empty Shmempty

I am not a politician nor a campaigner.  I am not someone to spear-head, whatever that is.  However, I may

I've heard or used the term empty nester, and well, I don't like it, and I'm putting a stop to it.

Empty is sort of a negative, isn't it? Empty gas tank, empty room, empty mind.  I decided this week that I don't want to be the "empty" nester.  The whole idea of the "empty" just goes against what I believe to be true about the times ahead, what I believe to be true about me.   I'll be a nester but I am not going to be empty, thank you.

I want my "golden years" to be filled.  Filled with family, filled with friends, filled with hope, filled with adventures and filled with memories.  I'm ready to take this on, folks.  I'm spear-heading, I think?  It's a campaign! It's a grassroots effort! Is it? What does that mean again? Join me!

My nest may be less crowded than it once was but its not empty! Not as long as I am here!

1 comment:

  1. From experience, I totally agree! especially after retirement... having Bob around all the time is just a dream come true! Empty nest? Not my feeling at all! In fact, when I finally retired from all my "work" obligations: all the volunteer work, I could really focus on relationships with family and friends - and my days are as full as ever. I know this is focused more on retirement than the 10 - 15 years between grown children leaving before retirement. I just wanted to give you something to look forward to. After the transition year, it is fantastic!
