Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I have made loads of mistakes in my life...too many to list.  A mistake is a one time thing.  It was a mistake, I learned from it and now, move on. 
When a mistake is repeated it is no longer a mistake but a bad choice.  After all, I made the mistake,  saw the outcome and now I am choosing to do it again.  Then we march on to the definition of insanity...repeating an action and expecting a different outcome.  
Sometimes the mistake was expressing an opinion or view, in a free flow of conversation.  But today, the conversation takes a turn because, well, either it was misunderstood, too personal or, on some days, just not the right day.   
Wouldn’t it be awkward but, beneficial,  if we all wore signs that read “Sensitive today” “Hormonal” “Mad at the World, and that includes YOU”? Wouldn’t it help in our conversations if we knew how to approach each other on certain days?  On days you didn’t have a sign, we would just be like always...ourselves.  Or, we could wear a sign everyday...mine would always read "Blunt" I think.  Or maybe I could just change my name to Frank.  There are days when we are not our typical self, and a conversation that would be fine tomorrow, can not be held today.  

Naturally, bringing your own mood into a typed conversation, whether email, text or facebook...yikes.  That's a whole different can of worms, isn't it? Where's my sign now, lady? How was I to know? 

Is it better to approach everyone, everyday, like they are on eggshells? I am not sure...I think that might be insincere.  I know to speak and write with kindness, gentleness, empathy.  I can with you, if you need it today.  I have a feeling, and we have a history, though, that is not how we usually are with each other.  So, can you hook a sister up and give me a sign?   

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