Last week I posted about the signs we should wear when we want people to approach us a certain way. Maybe we are sensitive or just, well, cranky, and a sign could certainly help.
I thought about this over the week and heard from a few of my closies (I made that word up!) who wondered if I was referring to them. Not referring to anyone, just an observation, folks, about things that most of us could take ownership of at one time or another.
Of course, there are a variety of signs that each of us could wear, every day. From the outside, and without a sign, one may never guess that we are lonely, weary, sick, confused. We put on that other happy face sign. If we can’t quite muster the happy face, we may just put on empty face. Ever heard of someone who never gets out? Maybe just not able to put on a face, or wear a sign.
I am constantly amazed by, and work to avoid, my own misperceptions of people. Along with being sometimes cranky (hey, I can admit it!), I have been, often, wrong (harder to admit!). I am reminded of a beautiful friend, who works full time, has a great family and a busy church life. She is also sometimes lonely, often alone and yearns for a “girlfriend”. I would not have guessed. She wasn't wearing that sign, but, brave soul, expressed her needs out loud. Love her for that.
This circles back to the “empty nest” misperception as well. Even though I am campaigning against the feelings of “empty” in my own life, and maybe even making some headway, I have to know, have to see, that others may not be, in the words of Charlie Sheen, winning. When we look upon others, please remember, it is not a race. Slow down so others can catch up. Step to the side so someone can join you. Don’t forget to look for the signs that someone needs you, cause someone does. It may not be who you were expecting, and double bonus, you just might need them, too.
See, this is why we want everyone to come to Shipshewana!