Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Best laid plans.

So, if at first you don’t succeed, try something different.  

That’s kind of how our week went as my lumberjack proceeded to cut up the perfectly felled tree from a couple weeks ago.  Only he couldn’t.  Poor guy, he had more trouble with dull chain saw blades, wet wood, imbedded chain saw blades, old chain saws, new chain saws.  It is a mess.
One night, after struggling with it for an hour or so, hubs and I sat on the deck.  Me, trying to bolster his enthusiasm for clearing land of trees and brush so the shed building could commence, and him, gazing out in to the yard with a far-away look.   It did not seem to be going well.  A glass of wine might help. 

“What do you think about moving the shed to a new location?” I did a quick spit-take.  Gulp.  Wipe.  “What?”
The solution, after purchasing two new blades, having three blades sharpened and then purchasing a new chain saw, of not being able to cut up the big tree he felled so perfectly only a couple weeks back, was to move the shed?   “You really want to move the location of the shed because you can’t get that tree cut up?” “Yup.”  It was worse than I thought.

We had already jokingly determined it would be just fine to leave the dang tree there and build the shed in front of it, which would require moving it a bit forward.  This time he was talking about a whole new location in a whole different part of the yard.  This cannot be determined quickly…this might interfere with other plans that are brewing in MY head.  That’s kind of where I wanted the gypsy wagon, yet revealed, to go.  I told him I thought this a silly idea, and admittedly, scoffed.
Then a couple days later I walked the yard.  I looked from the deck, I looked from the woods, I looked from the lake.  Oh, it wouldn’t be so bad for the shed to go in that new location.  My gypsy wagon can go somewhere else, if it goes.   He’s frustrated, he works so hard, he has a new chain saw so those smaller trees that would need to go will be easier, he's got a nagging wife…there’s reasons why the shed could move.  I still get to decide color and windows so it’s not some utilitarian looking building stuck in the yard, but one with cuteness and character.  Okay, let’s move the shed.

Now it’s late July and our spring project is still in development and not a stick of wood for the actual construction of the shed has been delivered.  But, we do have a partially cleared space and a plan.  Progress!

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